Project #5

Composition Arrangement and Balance

Using your Composition Arrangement and Balance booklet for reference, take your camera and take photos using the following terms. Remember rule of thirds should be considered in most photographs. Pay special attention to what camera functions will best suit the shot you are looking for, and experiment with your aperture and shutter speed settings.

Have fun you are now taking pictures. When you are complete down load your photo's and save them to your storage device, and post on to your blog. Don't for get to title your project and label each picture.

Read the following article on camera grip and stance

Set your camera to manual mode and lets go!

Leading Line - a line that literally leads you visually to an object (9)

Rhythm - objects repeating in a picture, creating a feeling of depth and emphasis. (9)

Framing - shooting through something to get the main subject behind it. The subject is "framed" by something in the fore ground. (9)

Horizontal - picture is wider than it is tall. (9)

Vertical - picture is taller than it is wide (9)

Informal Balance - different things catch your eye not just one. ( multiple objects - tends to be asymmetrical) (9)

Formal Balance - both sides of the picture are similar (symmetrical) (9)

High Key - bright, intense, and active. (9)

Low Key - dark, less intense, inactive. (9)

Silhouette - the lighting comes from behind the subject of your picture. (9)

Angle - up, down, straight. Find one of each. (9)

Distance and Depth of Field. Find a picture that demonstrates depth of field, and one that represents close medium and far. (27)

Focus - soft and sharp find one of each (9)

Total  /147


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